To all managers and coaches. It is the responsibility of the managers and coaches to help maintain parts of the fields. We ask that you follow the directions below for the field you are playing on. These fields are used by all our kids. As volunteers we should contribute the little extra time it takes to help keep our fields in good condition for them. We greatly appreciate your help with this.
For all fields!!! Please have your team clean up all trash in and around the dugouts. For the older kids
perhaps assign a player before each game and have them make sure the dugout has been cleaned and
no one has left any equipment.
Directions for OT-1:
Rake the mound and home plate.
If you are the last game of the day, you must place the covers back on the mound and home plate also. If you are not sure if you are the last game, cover them.
Round cover is for the mound.
The square cover is for home plate.
Directions for Goldberg and Roche:
After your game you need to rake home plate and the mound for the next game.
If you are playing the last game of the day, follow the directions below for home plate and mound. If you are not sure if you are the last game perform steps below.
Mound Care:
1. If the kids dug a hole in front of the rubber (which they always do).
a. Sweep out loose mound dust.
b. Fill in hole with the loose clay they kicked out and pack it down as best as possible.
i. It is helpful to use the back side of the rake to pack it down.
ii. A 5-gallon bucket of extra clay should be in a dugout. Use as needed to fill in hole.
2. Spray the entire mound with water. The object is to keep the clay damp, not soaked (use your best judgement). There is a pump sprayer on each field.
3. Cover the mound with the mound cover. (Round cover)
Home Plate Care:
1. Rake all loose clay into any holes in the batter’s box.
2. Rake around the plate area doing your best to create a flat area.
3. Lightly spray water around the pate area (batters’ boxes and catchers area) to keep it damp.
If you have any questions please reach out to me at [email protected] or 203-215-1480.